Henry Engineering MICROMIXER 4 Input Stereo Mixer

Discontinued, No Longer Available

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Discontinued, No Longer Available



MicroMixer is a 4-input, 2-output stereo mixer for line-level sources. MicroMixer is a perfect utility mixer with numerous uses: combining 2 stereo sources to a stereo output; combining up to 4 mono sources; mixing mono and stereo sources to a stereo output. Each balanced bridging input will accept a balanced or unbalanced source.A level control for each input provides adjustment from OFF to +10dB of gain. "MicroAssign" switches permit any input signal to be routed to either the Left, Right, or both outputs. Audio inputs and outpus are on plug-in euroblock connectors.MicroMixer is 1/3 rack width and can be mounted in an optional rack shelf, or wall mounted with optional wall/cabinet mounting brackets. MicroMixer is powered by an internal AC power supply.



  • Input Levels-10 to +8 dBm
  • Input Impedance20K ohms bal, 10K ohms unbal
  • Output Level+4 dBm nominal, +26 dBm max
  • Output Load600 ohms or higher per output, bal
  • ControlsInput gain, Output assign
  • GainOFF to +10 dB
  • Frequency ResponseDC to 20kHz, 0.25 dB
  • Distortion<.01% IM/THD
  • Noise>80 dB below nominal output, typ
  • Power Requirements115/230VAC, 50/60Hz, 3 W
  • ConstructionSteel enclosure
  • Physical Size5.7"w X 1.7"h X 6.0"d, 3lbs
  • MountingTable top, optional rack mount shelf, optional wall/cabinet mounting brackets
  • ApprovalCity of Los Angeles Elect. Test Lab
Micro Mixer


1 Year Warranty