80s Called and Want Their POTS bacK
Posted by BGS Team (Written By Dan McQuillin, Broadcast Bionics) on Apr 8th 2024
If you’ve been holding off moving to a SIP phone system because of the complexity, here’s one simple solution that fits easily into your WheatNet IP facility. Broadcast Bionics’ Dan McQuillin explains. (You can check out Caller One with our LXE console surface at BGS booth C2808 during the NAB show).
In August 2022, the FCC removed requirements for ILECs to offer analog POTS lines at competitive rates. By October 2023, all remaining cost obligations were lifted. This spurred carriers to plan the decommissioning of outdated lines, aiming to end all PSTN lines by 2030.
If you have been holding off upgrading to a SIP/VoIP phone system, you’ll be glad to know that Broadcast Bionics has a software solution for WheatNet IP facilities. Caller One uses the standard SIP protocol to communicate with carriers on one end and another standard protocol on the studio end to integrate easily with Wheatstone console surfaces.
All caller information shows up on a telephone control panel set into, say, a Wheatstone LXE console for quick monitoring, routing to air or even recording to VoxPro for further editing. You can answer, screen and control calls right from the console surface or a browser interface.
Caller One uses WheatNet IP audio drivers for routing caller audio and natively supports WheatNet IP GPIO for logic controls like any other element in the WheatNet IP audio networked studio. It handles multiple SIP lines; mix-minus and call conferencing are standard. Additionally, there is an option to subscribe to Broadcast Bionics’ webRTC client Anywhere to add HD remote contributor feeds directly into the system right alongside standard calls - perfect for reporting from OBs and sports events.
Caller One is here to make the transition to SIP painless, all while saving line costs, improving call quality, and opening the door to all that digital has to offer.
See and hear the Wheatstone LXE console with Broadcast Bionics Caller One in action during NAB 2024 at the Broadcasters General Store booth, Central Hall, C2808. While you’re there, be sure to ask about WheatNet IP audio networking and Camera One for adding visual radio to the studio.