Vortex CallMe Click-&-Connect, IP Audio Software to Codec Hardware

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Vortex CallMe Click-&-Connect, IP Audio Software to Codec Hardware*

CallMe™ provides a new concept in IP Audio Connectivity, that makes it simple for guest contributors – and reporters – to send broadcast audio back to the studio. Anyone with a Smartphone, Tablet, PC or Mac has the ability to get connected with high quality, low delay audio without the need for their own hardware codec, installing special software or having to visit the studio or a reporter visit them. Designed to let Contributors get “On-the-Air” from virtually anywhere there is Internet connectivity, CallMe is a new cost-effective Internet Codec Service that has been developed to let Radio and TV Stations put a contributor “On-the-Air” without the cost and effort of sending a Reporter – or even an Outside Broadcast vehicle – or have the guest visit the studio, as they simply use their own computer, tablet or smartphone to converse.


* CallMe is compatible with the industry-standard Comrex ACCESS, the JK AutoHybrid IP2, Comrex BRIC-Link, STAC-VIP Talk Show System and with CallMe-T, Vortex’s new low-cost IP Studio Codec



It is simple to use. The Studio sets up a “CallMe Event” which includes the time that the link will be active, the studio codec that will be used, the type of connection anticipated and any other pertinent information. This produces a web link which is e-mailed to the guest contributor, which connects them through the internet browser, to the Station’s dedicated and branded CallMe portal on the CALLME.FM server. The Contributor simply clicks on the “CallMe” Button on the web page and they are connected with low-latency high-quality audio to the chosen Codec at the studio. Ideally, when working with a computer or tablet, the guest would use a separate headset rather than the built-in audio but with mobile phone, the microphone and earpiece are generally good enough for high quality broadcast sound – though for reporter use, Vortex also has a comprehensive range of Mic and Headphone interfaces for Smartphones including the RemoteMix-One.

CallMe easily delivers high quality audio from just about anywhere, from almost any device to the studio with low delay. Ideal for broadcasting, thanks to the simple yet versatile webpage interface allowing anyone from anywhere to connect, offering new possibilities for Journalists to be able to file live reports without the need for dedicated codec apps.


The initial CallMe setup process includes providing each station with its own branded portal so that a contributor is presented with a familiar look and feel. We can accept either finished artwork – all that is needed is a background image and station logo – or there are a number of boiler-plate designs that can be used. As part of the setup process we also ensure that the studio codecs are correctly configured and throughout the subscription period, free support also available.

Connections are handled on our secure server whilst password control and active hour preferences make it easy to manage connections. The fact that it can be used on just about any device with a browser and some form of audio input makes CallMe ideal for ad-hoc contributions also.


CallMe is compatible with the industry-standard Comrex ACCESS, the JK AutoHybrid IP2, Comrex BRIC-Link, STAC-VIP Talk Show System and with CallMe-T, Vortex’s new low-cost IP Studio Codec – specially designed to fill a gap in the market provide a low-cost back-end for CallMe Click-and-Connect – plus a wide range of other IP audio devices (please check with us for compatibility). Multiple calls are available through the same web link which can be either automatically routed if there are multiple studio codecs, or managed via the studio devices’ own conferencing capabilities.

Journalists and Reporters can also use the Station’s CallMe Click-&-Connect link to connect to the Studio’s hardware codec/s, giving them in effect, an IP Audio codec in the palm-of-their hand without any special hardware. In Reporter mode, Jouralists can file Live contributions in the same way as a Guest Contributor, but in addition, they can drag pre-recorded audio files onto the CallMe web interface, put them in order, and then play them out on-air switching between the live contribution and pre-recorded inserts. This takes away the need to first send the pre-records to the Studio for them to handle the live playouts.